ADU Pre-feasibility Report for
213 Tremont St
Newton, MA
You are eligible for an in-home apartment!
This property meets the requirements for an In-home apartment.
Convert an Existing Space: Within the existing building we estimate you can convert up to 944 square feet into a separate apartment by right.
Build an Addition: We estimate this lot is eligible to build an addition of up to -256 square feet, and you’d qualify to convert 860 square feet into a separate apartment.
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We created your report based on public records and third-party data. While we try hard to give reasonable estimates, it’s not possible to give definitive answers without taking real-world measurements and conducting a full feasibility study.
Gross Building Area
Lot Size
5,400 sq ft
5,349 sq ft
Living Area
2,861 sq ft
1,308 sq ft
Allowed FAR
Gross Floor Area
3,305 to 3,959 sq ft
Year Built
Current FAR
This section outlines which city criteria your property meets or does not meet to determine your eligibility to build a backyard cottage (detached ADU).
This property does not meet the requirements.
We estimate you can build a backyard cottage of up to 0 square feet by right. With a special permit you may be able to build up to 1500 square feet. These are the criteria we checked:
Property Type:
Detached Two Family Residence
ADUs are allowed in Newton for detached (i.e. free standing) two family homes.
Lot Restrictions:
No Lot Specific Restrictions Identified
We did not identify historical or conservation restrictions on this property.
Building Capacity:
Building capacity of 0 sq ft is not enough for a backyard cottage
Newton sets FAR (Floor Area Ratio) limits for residential lots which dictates your lot’s capacity, or how much may be built. It’s not possible to definitively calculate your capacity without taking real-world measurements, so this is an estimate. We estimate that your lot does not have sufficient capacity to build new structures. We estimated your habitable space; contact us if you’d like to learn more.
Read a full summary of the criteria here and how we estimate lot capacity.
Do you have an historic carriage house on your property? If so, you are eligible to convert that to an ADU. Contact us to find out more.
See Where a Cottage Might Fit
Select a footprint size and drag it around the map!
Here are a few common sizes to get you started. This is just the footprint—you can have a loft or half story for more space. One of our vetted partners can help design the perfect space for you!
Please note, the backyard cottage needs to be in the back or side yard, at least 7.5’ from the lot line, and at least 5’ from the main house.
Explore Cottage Floor Plans
These are for inspiration. One of our vetted partners can help design the perfect space for you!
This section outlines which city criteria your property meets or does not meet to determine your eligibility to build an in-home apartment (Attached ADU).
This property meets the requirements! We estimate that you can build an in-home apartment of up to 944 square feet by right. These are the criteria we checked:
This property does not seem to meet the requirements. These are the criteria we checked:
This property meets the requirements! We estimate that you can build an in-home apartment of up to 944 square feet by right. These are the criteria we checked:
Property Type:
Detached Two Family Residence
ADUs are allowed in Newton for detached (i.e. free standing) two family homes.
Lot Restrictions:
No Lot Specific Restrictions Identified
We did not identify historical or conservation restrictions on this property.
Building Capacity:
944 sq ft in-home apartment allowance by right, or up to 1,200 sq ft with special permit
Newton allows by-right internal ADUs of minimum 250 square feet, and maximum 1,000 sq ft or 33% of the total habitable space of the main house, whichever is less. We estimated your habitable space; contact us if you’d like to learn more.
Expansion Capacity:
Expansion of up to -256 allowed
We estimate your lot has capacity for a -256 sq ft addition, increasing your home to 3,049 sq ft, enabling an internal ADU of 860 sq ft. It’s not possible to definitively calculate capacity without taking real-world measurements, so this is an estimate.
Read a full summary of the criteria here and how we estimate lot capacity.
In-Home Apartment Gallery
These are for inspiration. One of our vetted partners can help design the perfect space for you!
We combed through public records and cross-referenced all the regulations to provide you with this pre-feasibility report for your property. If you’d like more information or guidance on building an ADU, let’s dig in deeper!
We're here to guide you with:
Estimating Cost to Build
Financing Options
Projecting Rent
Validating Eligibility
Designing a Space
Hiring the Right Professionals
Considering Pre-Fab (modular) Construction